Being Christian: What we “say” vs what we “do”

When I was young and innocent, I was protected with a bubble of love from the realities of the world. I listened and did what the adults around me told me to do, the ‘do as I say’ rule. I learned how to develop my character by mimicking what I saw around me. Luckily, I … More Being Christian: What we “say” vs what we “do”

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Eye’s are the Lamp of the Body, not windows to the Soul

Time to burst some bubbles….. sorry if it hurts, but as beautiful as it sounds, there is no Scriptural reference that states the Eyes are the Window’s to the Soul. Nope… nowhere. Let’s take a look in the New Testament, specifically the books of Matthew and Luke. Yep, you read it correctly. Two Apostles wrote … More Eye’s are the Lamp of the Body, not windows to the Soul

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