12 Signs You May Be Spiritual And Don’t Even Know it

12 Signs You May Be Spiritual And Don’t Even Know it

I love posting about kindness, love, and generosity, but occasionally I find an article you might be interested in. In our quest to become closer to the Lord, we grow spiritually, and also be more like him.

2 Corinthians 3:18 ESV 

And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.



We all have those memories: dozing off, forehead in hand while in church, and contemplating anything else but the insufferably long speech being made on the values of right and wrong. Mind on the parties to attend after the hour-long-session or things-to-do (which have been put off for far too long), you’re long gone out of church as soon as the last hymn ends.

You think you’re not a spiritual person. “It’s just not for me” you think… The garbled notion of devout nuns with bruised knees or new-age hippies dancing around a wildfire leave no room for you – an individual of reason and faith only in the scientific system.

But this idea, the notion that to be spiritual is to fit in ‘one category,’ is outdated. To be spiritual is to recognize that you are part of something greater – and to wonder in the vastness of all that ‘is’.

Religion serves a purpose by guiding ‘lost souls’ along the path to find an ‘inner truth’, but by no means will there ever be one well-accepted truth which we humans can use to define ourselves.

For this reason, 12 ‘signs’ you may unknowingly spiritual follow:

1) You gaze at the stars.

Fascinated by something greater than you are, the phenomenon of creation is as mysterious and beautiful as the stars. You can’t help but feel awe and inspiration with your back pressed to a wavy mat of grass, staring into the cosmos which is truly is a reflection of the light within.

If you find stillness in the grandeur of the universe, you are experiencing a ‘wave’ of spirituality; you’re connecting to a truth deep within, and calming the ego which claims there is such thing as separation.

2) You try to think happy thoughts.

Thoughts are energy – where attention goes, energy flows. If you’re seeking to maintain a positive mindset, you’re naturally already praying …to what or whom, you may not know. But without even knowing it, you’re creating a message that’s sent out into the energy of the Universe and being invited back into your own experience.

3) You offer a helping hand.

“Do unto others as you would have done unto you.”  Recognized as the Law of Abundance, the Golden Rule, as well as the message of Karma, this fundamental teaching extends beyond tradition and religion. The principle teaching is to embrace that you and everything that exists are one. Therefore, the actions you inflict upon another will in return be cast unto you. Naturally a do-gooder? You’re more in the flow than you think.

4) You feel serenity in Nature

We are nature – there is no separation. So the fact that you naturally feel drawn to explore and experience more of the woodlands, ocean, or flowing prairies is a sign you’re tapped in more than you think. Many lessons can be derived from ‘be-ing’ in the stillness, and that is one of nature’s greatest gifts.

5) You follow your guided Intuition

Intuition is the recognition of your highest self and the ‘plan’ behind it all. It can be the voice of ‘reason’, the essence of ‘God’, or your own realized truth. Whatever you decide to ‘label’ it as, it helps you identify positive and negative emotions, and, in effect, map your karma.

6) You Seek Truth – In All Situations

“And the truth will set you free…” says John in the Bible. Whatever your religious orientation, the belief that truth is essential in living a well-balanced life and creating an existence of meaning is accepted in many cultures around the world. You cannot form healthy, sustainable relationships unless you are honest with yourself and others; likewise, you cannot build a house on shaky foundation. Truth IS an integral part of being aware of who you are, and when you seek it you explore the vastness which ‘is’ all.

7) You honor life

Albert Einstein said: “There are two ways of looking at the world, one as if everything is a miracle, and second, as if nothing is”. Either way of perceiving the world influences your mindset and expectation for life. If you choose to honor this experience and be present with the true miracle that is life and the complexity required to create this universe, then you are honoring all you have been given. Likewise, your personal self requires appreciation of just how wonderful a reflection you are in this universe.

So if you’re aware that this reality you’re experiencing is a gift and you choose to honor yourself and be present, you are indeed engaging in a very spiritual perception.

8) You’re appreciative of the smallest bug to the largest animal.

Buddhists recognize that the flowing life through all creatures – bugs to mammals, reptiles to birds – is equal, no matter size. This doesn’t mean one who adopts this philosophy is vegetarian, there are many facets to that choice, but it does mean that one who adopts this viewpoint has a deeper appreciation for the life of all.

Native Americans were known to give thanks to the spirit of an animal after slaughtering it, bestowing blessings on the life they took and in return invoking grace from their actions. If you choose to honor even the tiniest bug on your computer screen such as you would respect a horse or another living individual, you are very well engaging your spirituality.

9) You recognize the power of forgiveness

It’s a simple lesson that’s been passed down, forgive thy neighbor, but has deeper purpose than most realize. More for the individual who needs to forgive, holding on to negative emotions and burying one’s pain into past memories keeps the individual out of the now and disconnected from the source of all energy. Similarly, harboring bad energy and ill intentions can create energetic imbalances, later manifesting as physical symptoms according to Chinese Medicine.

To be in the flow and feeling your best, it truly is a good idea to let go of those whom have trespassed against you in the past, send them peace, and move on into the future. You may already be seeking to do this in your own life or asking for help from a friend, family member, or counselor. In this action, you are benefiting your spirituality, even unknowing, because it will beneficially impact your life.

10) You strive to detach from Drama

Gossip, worry, stress, and violence among many lower-vibration patterns keep one wrapped up in the ego, away from the true self, and more importantly, away from more fulfilling activities and the source of all energy. In the “Celestine Prophecy”, it is mentioned that 2,000 years ago the Mayans foretold that humans of this age would wake up to the fact that they are energetic beings, and engaging in lower energy forms of vibration is literally sucking the energy out of others.

Ever feel drained when you’re around an individual who wants to dump their problems on you, mope, intimidate, or interrogate you? This is an example of an energetic vampire, and a clear picture of what happens when one is not connected to the true source of Energy, which you could call God.

If you’re naturally seeking a way out of dramatic settings and looking for higher energy activities that leave you feeling restored, refreshed, and happy, you’re naturally calling spirituality into your life.

11) Travel is appealing

Human life is experience to better understand and reflect the many contrasts of divinity, sage’s say. So if your heart is passionate for travel, in a way you feel called to experience more and gain fluent contrast of this world while observing the intricacies it holds. Whatever reason you feel guided to venture to unknown lands, to you it’s a calling which resonates in a place which cannot be placed, a personal passion you follow.

An example of how this shows your inherent spirituality is you seek to experience even more reflection of the cosmos and in example gain more fulfillment from all you are a part of.

12) You have a heart of humor

The three rules of the universe, some say, are Change, Paradox, and Humor. (Way of the Peaceful Warrior) Life is a big ball of confusion, mystery, amazing-ness, and sometimes humility, but it all depends on how you look at it. The most important lesson psychologists and scientists are beginning to find out is that you are in control of your mind.  You are more than your thoughts, but by choosing to change your focus and what you dwell on, you start to see things a bit differently. (Wayne Dyer). In effect this allows perception to change, and if you can switch your viewpoints from what you were taught as a young individual, you can illuminate new possibilities and truly engage in a futurist mindset, no limits to the potential of the human intellect or this world.

Embracing the humor of life, the many shades that this world casts, you are again, unknowingly, growing more into your spirituality.

Not by any means are the signs that you are unknowingly spiritual limited to these twelve, nor does this mean you should go jet to the nearest convent (unless that’s supremely appealing to you)… instead, pick and choose what you wish to take from this article. If it’s inspiring to think that deep down you already show the signs of a connected human being, search for more.

It could be opinion, but as energetic beings, you can’t help but be spiritual to a point, as the incredibly amazing and difficult-to-comprehend matter of this universe is just as amazing as you.

Note: This is reposted under creative commons, with permission from the author. Read the original ariticle here: http://www.trueactivist.com/12-signs-you-may-be-spiritual-and-dont-even-know-it/

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